- How can quality education be provided to meet the needs of learners from diverse communities, without any form of discrimination?
- What will the landscape of higher education in Southern Africa look like by the middle of this century?
- What are the essential building blocks for delivering quality teaching and learning in Southern African higher education?
- What is the role of collaborations with other sectors, including technology, AI and business?
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Developing and enhancing quality education in Africa
21 September 2023
Pretoria, South Africa
Africa is on track to surpass Asia as the continent home to the greatest number of young people. However, higher education in Africa is hindered by a chronic lack of investment, an unstable policy environment, competition from outside Africa for academic talent, international conflicts and a colonial legacy that has created multiple socio-economic challenges that higher education must respond to.
Prioritising quality higher education is vital to address these challenges, and the future of Africa's youth and their potential impact on the world depend on swift action. With the stakes this high, we can't afford to wait.
This event explored how quality higher education can be developed and enhanced amidst geopolitical issues, peace initiatives and a rapidly changing climate and economic environment.
THE Impact Rankings and the SDGs
Quality education (SDG 4) ensures inclusive and equitable quality and promotes lifelong learning opportunities. It is a precursor to sustainable economic growth and a gateway out of intergenerational poverty (SDG 1). Delivered fairly, education helps to break down inequalities (SDG 10) and provides the key workers needed to support a fair and sustainable world (SDG 8).
This forum will include an exclusive data masterclass examining the THE Impact Rankings metrics and methodology with a focus on university performance for these SDGs.

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